Dit is ons programma voor deze periode.
William Billings
- Modern music
- Invocation (continental harmony)
- I am the rose of Sharon
George Gershwin
- Sing of spring
Amy Beach
- The greenwood
Countrylife & Citylife
Randall Thompson / Frostiana
-The Road Not Taken
-The Pasture
-Come In
-Girl's Garden
-Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
-Choose Something Like a Star
Randall Thompson / Americana
-May every tongue
-The staff Necromancer
Amy Beach / 3 choral responses op.8
-Nunc Dimittis
-With Prayer
-Peace I leave
Randall Thompson
Morten Lauridsen
- Sure on this Shining Night
Samuel Ward
-America the beautiful
Stephen Paulus
-The Road Home